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East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979
Message Board Archive: 2000 & 1999
This page was last modified on 1 January 2009.
Please note: This Message Board is to be used solely for the purpose of sharing information for or about members of East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979, including their teachers and other East Forsyth staff members. Anyone with news about a Class of '79 member is welcome to post here. Any abuse or misuse of this board will not be tolerated. Submit news using the Message Board Form. The entries on this page are for the indicated years; entries for other years can be viewed in the Message Board Archive.
Please note: Ordinarily, archived Message Board pages would contain the entries for only a single year, but this one contains entries for both 1999 and 2000. The reason for this exception is that this site was established during the 1999 Thanksgiving weekend, and there are too few entries for 1999 to justify a separate page.
Ashlyn Fare Beshears is born (10 September 2000)
Darlene Wall Jenkins dies in an auto accident on 7 July 2000 (9 July 2000)
East Forsyth Class of 2018 gains a new member (1 May 2000)
20 Year Reunion Chairman extends thanks all around (18 March 2000)
Reunion videos ready for shipping (11 January 2000)
CNN links to Class of 1979 webmaster's personal site (4 January 2000)
Thanks to Matt (27 November 1999)
East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 gets new web site (26 November 1999)
Ashlyn Fare Beshears is born
Ashlyn Fare Beshears (East Forsyth Class of 2018), daughter of Mike and Sharon Beshears, was born 29 August 2000, 6:02 p.m., weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measuring 21 inches. Mike reports, "What a Blessing! Even letting us sleep a little at night. Know's daddy's voice, but looks like her mommy (I think!)." And of course, Mike has posted the obligatory baby pics on his personal site! (Source: Matt Wallace on Sunday, 10 September 2000, 15:38:00 EDT from Mike's "Beshears Chronicles")
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Darlene Wall Jenkins dies in an auto accident on 7 July 2000
From the Winston-Salem Journal, Fire/Police Briefs, July 8, 2000, Page B2
Copyright © 2000 Piedmont Publishing Co., Inc.
Woman killed when car hits utility pole
EAST BEND -- A woman driving east on N.C. 67 was killed yesterday morning when her car hit a utility pole.
Darlene Wall Jenkins, 39, of Boonville died at the scene of the accident, which happened 1.6 miles east of East Bend, said Sgt. Jennifer Harris of the N.C. Highway Patrol.
Jenkins was in the car alone and was wearing her seat belt at the time of the accident. No other cars were involved.
Investigators are trying to determine whether Jenkins' diabetes contributed to the accident. Her blood sugar was low at the time of the accident, Harris said.
(Source: Matt Wallace on Sunday, 9 July 2000, 11:12:19 EDT after being notified by Dale Fowler Martin)
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East Forsyth Class of 2018 gains a new member
For those of you who didn't know, Sharon Cope Beshears and I have a 17 mos little boy named Ryan and we are expecting August 29 to fulfill our dreams of having a little girl, Ashlyn. Yes, that would mean Sharon's pregnant with a little girl. We've been so blessed and wanted you to know. Plus, Matt was getting a little upset at the low number of website hits as of late, so I obliged. (Source: Mike Beshears on Monday, 1 May 2000, 22:38:32 EDT)
Please note: "Perplexed" or "concerned" more accurately describe my emotional state with regard to the class web site's quiescence. This site exists at the expense of my other sites, Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic and Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, so I'd like to see it used more to justify the sacrifice. Oh, congratulations Sharon and Mike! -- Matt Wallace, Class Webmaster
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20 Year Reunion Chairman extends thanks all around
Matt, looks like we're getting a great amount of hits on the website. Great job and it just keeps getting better. To all the 1979 alumni, thanks for making the 20 year reunion a huge success. Special thanks to Lisa Sears, Lisa Angell, Ken Stafford, Tina Redmon, Penny Brooks, and Kim Johnson for the wonderful job you all did. To all those who we didn't get a chance to get the word out to, please keep in touch and WE WANT TO SEE YOU IN 2004! Hope everyone has a blessed day! (Source: Mike Beshears on Saturday, 18 March 2000, 13:17:39 EST)
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Reunion videos ready for shipping
Sorry for the lateness of the videos. I'm pleased to announce they are complete, and we should begin shipping them the week of January 17th. Thanks for your patience. We had a great editing challenge on this one and learned a few lessons. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions. (Source: Michael Beshears on Tuesday, 11 January 2000, 23:40:21 EST)
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CNN links to Class of 1979 webmaster's personal site
Cable News Network, as part of their coverage of the "gays in the military" issue, included a link to one of my essays from three separate CNN Interactive pages (see below) during December 1999. In "RELATED SITES" at the bottom of each page, they included a link to "The Military's Ban Against Homosexuals Should Remain"; this essay details my experience of having not one, but two homosexual roommates when I was stationed in Germany while in the Army. I've gotten about 800 cumulative hits with most occuring within 2 days of posting. There's no telling how many hits I've gotten from people e-mailing the URL to their friends. On the 14th and 15th, traffic in my site increased eightfold over normal. Needless to say, I'm plumb tickled about the whole thing; it doesn't get any better than this for a webmaster!
"Pentagon to review 'don't ask, don't tell' policy - December 13, 1999"
"Marine officer investigated for allegedly slurring gays in e-mail - December 14, 1999"
"CNN - Pentagon adds 'don't harass' to 'don't ask, don't tell' policy - December 23, 1999"
(Source: Matt Wallace on Tuesday, 4 January 2000, 14:31:35 EST)
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Thanks to Matt
Great idea Matt!!!! You have designed yet another well planned site. I will be a regular visitor in the future. Thanks again Matt. (Source: Scott Coe on Saturday, 27 November 1999, 21:24:05 EST)
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East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 gets new web site
The Class of '79 now has a web site as indicated by this obligatory webmaster test of the Message Board Form. (Source: Matt Wallace on Friday, 26 November 1999, 19:32:52 EST from the East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 web site)
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Message Board Archive
In order to insure speedy downloading of this ever-growing page, messages are archived annually.
Index | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 & 1999
Contact the class webmaster, Matt Wallace, at efshs1979@yahoo.com.