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East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 Trophy Case #3 (2 May 2002 - 22 June 2002)
This page was last modified on 22 April 2008.

Little Man's Award

Happy Rabbit Award

Genie Web Design Award

Glass Flower Award

Chantel Graphic Designs Top Site Award

Guice 5 Cool Site Award and Guice 5 Beary Good Online Friend Award

Mylo Award Gold

Donkeys-R-uss Best Of The Web Award

MomPeepers Worth A Peep Award

Peggy's Purple Paradise Award of Excellence

WM8C's Design Excellence Award

KoolKat Crowned Jewel Award
Little Man's Award
Description: The Little Man's Award recognizes "interesting and useful pages" that "make the internet a lot more interesting." Sites are evaluated on design, navigation, content, and coding.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "Congratulations!! ... You have passed my scoring system. ... It is my pleasure to grant you a Merit Award."
Awarded: 22 June 2002
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Happy Rabbit Award
Description: The Magic Hat, an online magic guide, presents the Happy Rabbit Award to recognize sites which are "the best of the best" and "have the courage to be different." Sites are evaluated on design, content, and functionality.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "Congratulations! You are a Winner of the Happy Rabbit Bronze Bunny Webdesign Award!"
Awarded: 19 June 2002
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Genie Web Design Award
Description: Genie Web Design presents awards "[t]o recognize growth and development in the creation of personal web pages." Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, load time, and user friendliness.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "You have earned the Merit Site Award. (AS 3.0)"
Awarded: 18 June 2002
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Glass Flower Award
Description: Mary and Leo Schultz of Rising Moon Designs "believe that web designers should be noticed and recognized for their work" and do so with the Glass Flower Award. Sites are evaluated on load time, design, navigation, browser compatibility, content, and organization.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.5]
Citation: "Congrats!! We are pleased to present you with our Bronze Glass Flower Award, AS! rated 3.5! Thank you for inviting us to look through your site. We were impressed by your concept and layout of the site. It's rare to find a site that is as easy on the eyes. You've accomplished this splendidly. ... Again, thank you for making the web a nice place to play."
Awarded: 29 May 2002
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Chantel Graphic Designs Top Site Award
Description: The Chantel Graphic Designs Top Site Award "recognizes the hard work and creative ability of webmasters" and is presented to encourage the continuing development of their skills. Sites are evaluated on "presentation, originality, creativeness, functionality and effort."
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Citation: "Congratulations on winning my Top Site Award! I appreciate the opportunity to review your site. You are a great addition to the web! Keep up the great work! ... Thank you for your interest in our Awards Program and Congratulations on such a fine web site."
Awarded: 23 May 2002
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Guice 5 Cool Site Award and Guice 5 Beary Good Online Friend Award
Description: The Guice Family, aka the Guice 5, a Marine Corps family web site by Kimberly Guice, administers the Guice 5 Awards program which makes awards in numerous categories to family friendly sites which are well designed with easy navigation.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]

The "Cool Site Award" recognizes "sites that are really cool!"

The "Beary Good Online Friend Award" recognizes sites which promote friendship on the Internet.
Citation: "Very nice site. :o) I would like to present you with the Beary Good Online Friend Award because you truly are to create such a site and the Cool Site Award."
Awarded: 18 May 2002
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Mylo Award Gold
Description: Mylo, an Italian sci-fi and fantasy web site, recognizes well organized sites with pleasant graphics and good content which have reasonable download times.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Citation: In Italian: "Complimenti, il Suo Eccellente Sito ha vinto il 'Mylo Award Gold.'"

In English: "Congratulation, His Excellent Site has won the 'Mylo Award Gold.'"
Awarded: 13 May 2002
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Donkeys-R-uss Best Of The Web
Description: David and Becky Russ of Rocky Ridge Ranch in Abingdon, Virginia, present awards to recognize fellow donkey web sites and general web sites as well. Sites are evaluated on content, load time, navigation, spelling, and cross browser compatibility.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Citation: "I have evaluated your website and found that your website is very worthy of the following award; I have awarded you with Best Of The Web 3 Star Website Award. Keep up the good work and hard effort."
Awarded: 11 May 2002
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MomPeepers Worth A Peep Award
Description: Donna, aka MomPeepers, is "always in search of new and fun places to visit on the web" and recognizes family safe sites with content that is fun when she finds them.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Citation: "Very nice job on the reunion website! Good luck finding all your classmates."
Awarded: 10 May 2002
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Peggy's Purple Paradise Award of Excellence
Description: Peggy's Purple Paradise presents awards in several categories. Sites are evaluated on content, navigation, graphics, and load time.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Citation: "Congratulations!! You've won the "Peggy's Purple Paradise Award of Excellence." Your site is very well put together, and I am proud to have the opportunity to be included in it. ... Thank you for taking the time to apply for my award!"
Awarded: 5 May 2002
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WM8C's Design Excellence Award
Description: WM8C, aka Todd Strait, a ham radio operator from Michigan, offers several awards to other web designers and their sites.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Citation: "Your site is very well done. You have created a great place for your class to stay current. You scored a little lower in content because your site is of most interest to your alumni, (see content criteria), but a great job none the less! Keep up the great work. Great Job!"
Awarded: 4 May 2002
Superseded: 28 July 2003 by WM8C's Web Design Award [Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
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KoolKat Crowned Jewel Award
Description: The KoolKat Site Awards "recognize amateur webmasters for hard work & dedication it takes to create a great website."
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Citation: "We have visited your site and find it to be a very well designed site, packed full of content! You should be proud of the time and effort you have put into your site, and we would like to award you with our 'KoolKat Crowned Jewel' Award!"
Awarded: 2 May 2002
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case #2
Trophy Case #4
Contact Class Webmaster Matt Wallace at efshs1979@yahoo.com.