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East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 Trophy Case #4 (24 July 2003 - 15 August 2003)
This page was last modified on 22 April 2008.

Biomutation Site of the Day Award

Nu-Horizons Design Studio Personal Site Award

World Wide Web Award

book-look Award of Excellence

NWESS Website Award

Fartown School Award of Excellence

Artabus Award

Majon's Web Select Award and Majon's Seal of Excellence Award

Nu-Horizons Design Studio Webmaster Excellence Award

WM8C's Web Design Award

PhMS Platinum Award for Internet Excellence

Awards Garden Award
Biomutation Site of the Day Award
Description: BioALIEN, a British digital artist and web designer, recognizes other webmasters and their sites with this award.
Citation: "CONGRATULATIONS! Your site has been reviewed, and chosen to receive the Biomutation - Site of the Day Award! We are excited to see the creativity that you possess, your elegant and skilful presentation of unique content ensures your status as a creative visionary. The following wildly recognized award is an amazing way to market your site - and have it featured at BioMUTATION GFX, a site visited by thousands, and is seen by thousands of those viewers every day! Your site has been reviewed, and rated upon the basis of originality, creativity, design, and content."
Awarded: 15 August 2003
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Nu-Horizons Design Studio Personal Site Award
Description: Nu-Horizons Design Studio, a Canadian web site development firm, offers numerous specialized awards to webmasters in recognition for "the time, imagination, artistic creativity and endless dedication in the development and growth of their site(s)." The Personal Site Award honors
webmasters who create sites "dedicated to 'personal' family environment, family events, reunions, and 'fun'" which also includes "personal web site[s]" developed "for personal reasons."
Citation: "Hello once again. We are more than pleased to also give you our Personal Site Award to complement the Webmaster Award we have already sent your way."
Awarded: 13 August 2003
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World Wide Web Award
Description: The WWW Association's awards "were designed to formally recognize and acknowledge the hard work and dedication that each applicant has put into constructing their websites using their own brand of style, creativity and content." Sites are evaluated on creativity, content, design, navigation, and coding.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Congratulations! Your site East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 has been selected to receive the World Wide Web Awards "Silver" Award. We see all the hard work and dedication that you have put into constructing your web site and your efforts are well deserved."
Awarded: 11 August 2003
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book-look Award of Excellence
Description: book-look, a British online book and entertainment reviewer and reseller, offers "three awards to Web sites that are exceptionally well constructed, in recognition of the long hours, hard work and positive contributions, Web site developers and graphic designers make to the World Wide Web. Sites are judged based on ease of navigation, content, graphic quality, page layout."
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "I am delighted to tell you that we have now assessed your Web site (www.EastForsyth1979.org) and, based on the ease of navigation, content, graphic quality, page layout and design, we have awarded you our "Hot Spot" award for Web site excellence."
Awarded: 8 August 2003
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NWESS Website Award
Description: Northwest Equipment Sales & Service, a full-service tow truck sales and repair company in Tacoma, WA, "recognizes those webmasters & webmistresses in the private and commercial sector that utilize imagination, creativity, graphic layout and useful content to educate and/or entertain its viewers." Sites are evaluated on creativity, originality, design, coding, navigation, and content.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Congratulations! The design staff at NWESS is pleased to announce that your site has won the 'NWESS Bronze Website Award'. Keep up the good work -- a good web presence is never finished. It’s always a 'work in progress'."
Awarded: 5 August 2003
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Fartown School Award of Excellence
Description: Fartown School, a web site "for former pupils of both Fartown Secondary Modern School and Fartown High School" in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, UK, recognizes "the many talented, hard working, individuals that pursue the rewards in the development and creation of their pages" which are their "attempts to make the web a better place" with "sites which distinguish themselves in the areas of design, content and navigation."
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Thank you for allowing us to visit your website and to see the many similarities between your website and our own website for former pupils of Fartown School.
We are both aiming for the same end result and hoping to reunite long lost friends through our pages, so it is easy for us to appreciate all the hard work involved in not only creating a website for lost classmates, but also maintaining the pages and making sure our visitors return again and again. It is in recognition of this hard work that we would like to offer you one of the Fartown School Awards.
Unlike other websites, our awards are not classed as 'Gold', 'Silver' and 'Bronze', etc., but are based upon the grades we acheived in our school days - Grade 'A', Grade 'B', Grade 'C' and Grade 'D'. We would like to give you a Grade 'C' award and we would be honoured if you were to display this award in your trophy cabinet."
Awarded: 4 August 2003
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Artabus Award
Description: Artabus, a virtual art gallery, presents this award "to honor web masters who with great care and attention to detail created their Internet presence" which they "also continue to improve" and to recognize "their long hours spent in front of a computer screen, weaving a masterpiece and checking each page for any possible error." Sites are evaluated on navigation, design, aesthetics, content, load time, cross-browser compatibility, and coding.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "Congratulation, you are the winner of a silver Award!"
Awarded: 2 August 2003
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Majon's Web Select Award and Majon's Seal of Excellence Award
Description: Majon International, an Internet marketing services company, offers two awards as "a recognition service to further develop and encourage creativity, quality design and usefulness in purpose for Web site owners and creators" who produce "web sites which exhibit intuition, graceful design, usefulness in information and/or reliable business services."

The "Web Select Award" is Majon's "most prestigious award" and is awarded to "outstanding web sites that rise above the rest in content, design and usability."

The "Seal of Excellence Award" is given to any web site which "is well worth visiting and is considered to be outstanding in its presentation."
Citation: "Recently we enjoyed a very pleasant visit to your web site! It is with great pride that we announce that your web site is a WINNER of our esteemed Majon Web Select Award"
Awarded: 30 July 2003
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Nu-Horizons Design Studio Webmaster Excellence Award
Description: Nu-Horizons Design Studio, a Canadian web site development firm, offers numerous specialized awards to webmasters in recognition for "the time, imagination, artistic creativity and endless dedication in the development and growth of their site(s)." The Webmaster Excellence Award honors "the person behind the scenes" who is responsible for "so many outstanding sites on the Internet."
Citation: "We thank you for inviting us to visit your home on the Internet. We applaud your site's ease of navigation, obvious hard work, and unique content. It is with great pleasure that we give you the Webmaster Award."
Awarded: 30 July 2003
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WM8C's Web Design Award
Description: WM8C, aka Todd Strait, a ham radio operator from Michigan, offers several awards to other web designers and their sites.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Your site is very well done. You have created a great place for your class to stay current. You scored a little lower in content because your site is of most interest to your alumni, (see content criteria), but a great job none the less! Keep up the great work. Great Job!"
Awarded: 28 July 2003 as an upgrade from WM8C's Design Excellence Award [Award Sites! Rating: 2.0]
Superseded: 29 February 2004 by WM8C's Web Design Award [Award Sites! Rating: 3.5]
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PhMS Platinum Award for Internet Excellence
Description: Phentermine.ms, an online pharmacy, awards "[t]he coveted PhMS Platinum Award for Internet Excellence ... to web sites who have clearly provided either superior web design, superb content that enriches the Internet, or both."
Citation: "We are very please to be able to inform you that our judges have decided
your web site more than deserves our award! Thank you for adding to the wealth of the Internet."
Awarded: 25 July 2003
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Awards Garden Award
Description: Brandi's Place presents the Awards Garden Award "to reward the webmasters and designers who maintain quality web sites ... that have excellent page layout and HTML." Sites are evaluated on content, design, graphics, navigation, and coding.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "I have carefully reviewed your site and I am pleased to tell you that your site won one of my awards. You have an excellent design and easy navigation."
Awarded: 24 July 2003
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case #3
Trophy Case #5
Contact Class Webmaster Matt Wallace at efshs1979@yahoo.com.