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East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 Trophy Case #6 (24 August 2003 - 30 August 2003)
This page was last modified on 22 April 2008.

Doc Jim's Brite Lite Award


Dennis's Web Tree Cool Site Award

Chandra's Award of Excellence

Rudolfs Wander-Award

Game Puppet Award of Excellence

PBSCO Content Award

Gigi's Dream Catcher Award

Serena's Family Tree Award

JustFolks Upbeat Web Site Award

Dawggone Good Site Award

Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award
Doc Jim's Brite Lite Award
Description: Dr. James Charles (Doc Jim) Bouffard "fight[s] against schemes and scams and for humanitarian causes" with Doc Jim's Help Page! and offers this award to recognize sites which add "an enlightened presence to the Web." Sites are evaluated on "feel good" content, navigation, spelling and grammar, load time, and links, and must be family friendly and child-safe.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "Following a careful review, East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 has won "Doc Jim's Brite Lite Award." Display it with pride. You've earned it! ... Again, congratulations!"
Awarded: 30 August 2003
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Description: The MBEAP Award Program "recognize[s] those International sites of outstanding quality in content and design." Sites are evaluated on content, design, graphics, navigation, originality, coding, load time, and links.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "I have reviewed your site, and wish to congratulate you for the great job you've done!...It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work in building your site...It is my pleasure to award you with MBEAP Merit Award, Congratulations!!"
Awarded: 29 August 2003
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Dennis's Web Tree Cool Site Award
Description: Dennis's Web Tree recognizes other web sites with this award. Sites are evaluated on design, layout, navigation, content, graphics, and load time.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "Your site was great to visit. Keep up the good work. You have earned the GOLD Award"
Awarded: 29 August 2003
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Chandra's Award of Excellence
Description: Chandra's Awards offers a wide range of general and theme awards. Sites are evaluated on design, load time, originality, and user-friendliness.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "I have visited your web site today and I must say I had a great time
exploring it. You have done a wonderful job! Therefore, it gives me great pleasure in presenting you with my award. ... Congratulations and keep up the good work!"
Awarded: 28 August 2003
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Rudolfs Wander-Award
Description: Rudolf Esterer, a German webmaster from southern Bavaria, recognizes "other Webmasters for their effort" with his award. Sites are evaluated on design, navigation, content, load time, links, and personal impression.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "I have visited Your site http://www.EastForsyth1979.org three times and I
decided, that You have earned my Rudolfs Wander-Award in Silver. ... You earned 80 points for Your page. This is my award in silver. ... Have many pleasure with my award."
Awarded: 27 August 2003
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Game Puppet Award of Excellence
Description: The Game Puppet, a games resource center and more, recognizes "family friendly" sites with this award. Sites are evaluated on navigation, content, design, graphics, load time, and links.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "I just came from checking your site and I am sending you my award."
Awarded: 25 August 2003
Superseded: 2 February 2008 by Game Puppet Excellence Award [Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
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PBSCO Content Award
Description: Professional Business Systems, a web development and marketing company based in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, offers awards "to celebrate those involved in the creation of the Internet." The Content Award "is presented to web sites with one key goal in mind: getting information out to the world." Sites are evaluated on content, graphics, spelling, grammar, and links.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "We have reviewed your site and currently it does not qualify for the Elite Award. One of the criteria for the Elite Award is that the site must meet all other criteria, Content, Design, Technical as well as being viewable in all resolutions and browsers. As you are aware your site does not look the same in Explorer as it does in Netscape ( viewed with Netscape at 800x600 and true (32-bit) color) and as a result it does not meet the criteria for the Elite award. HOWEVER!!! it does qualify for the Content Award. It's a great site for alumni and I wish you success. ... Again congratulations, well done!"
Awarded: 25 August 2003
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Gigi's Dream Catcher Award
Description: Gigi's Dream Catcher Awards Program recognizes "family friendly sites that show creativity." Sites are evaluated on content, design, graphics, and navigation.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "I have reviewed your site East Forsyth High School Class of 1979 in accordance with the criteria for this program. Your site has won the Gigi's Dream Catcher Silver Award. I enjoyed my visit and Congratulation on a job well done."
Awarded: 25 August 2003
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Serena's Family Tree Award
Description: Serena's Family Tree Award "reward[s] sites that give so much to the web by setting a standard of family safe viewing, showing love & dedication through many hours spent in the creation of their websites, and bringing to bear the heart of the web master/mistress." Sites are evaluated on content, design, graphics, load time, and navigation.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Your site is a wonderful tribute, a great resource for classmates, easy to navigate and well put together! I enjoyed my visit and review of your site! I am pleased to inform you that your site has earned my Gold Award! ... Thank You and Congratulations on a job well done!"
Awarded: 25 August 2003
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JustFolks Upbeat Web Site Award
Description: JustFolks, an e-zine from Dawggone Communications, presents this award to "those web sites with a positive, inspirational and upbeat message" which help "make the Internet a more Upbeat place!" Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, appearance, load time, and family-friendliness.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "Congratulations! Your web site was chosen as a winner of the Upbeat Web Site Award offered by JustFolks: The e-zine for positive people."
Awarded: 24 August 2003
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Dawggone Good Site Award
Description: Dawggone Communications, a publisher of seven e-zines, "know[s] how much time and effort go[es] into creating and maintaining quality web sites and ezines" and offers their award to recognize "the people who are working to make the Internet a more entertaining, useful, enjoyable, and family-friendly place." Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, appearance, load time, and family-friendliness.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "Congratulations! Your web site was chosen as a winner of The Dawggone Good Site Bronze Award offered by Dawggone Communications. ... I enjoyed my visit to your site. Thanks for making the web a better place. It is evident that you have put a lot of hard work into your web space. This award is not automatic. All sites are viewed."
Awarded: 24 August 2003
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Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award
Description: Penmarric Cornish Rex, the site of Cornish Rex cat breeder Lin Smith, rewards webmasters for the "dedication, time, and a lot of hard work" required for their "contribution[s] to make the web a safer, better place to surf." Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, and creativity.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "ConCATulations! Our judges have all visited your site, and have found it interesting, informative and a pleasure to surf through. We are very pleased to award you our gold award. ... You have obviously put in a lot of work on this website. I really enjoyed browsing through and reading about everyone."
Awarded: 24 August 2003
Superseded: 1 March 2004 by Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award [Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case #5
Trophy Case #7
Contact Class Webmaster Matt Wallace at efshs1979@yahoo.com.