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East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 Trophy Case #8 (6 March 2004 - 2 February 2008)
This page was last modified on 22 April 2008.

Game Puppet Excellence Award

Antique Collector Best Site Award (2008)

Pleasure Gait Farms Award of Excellence

Mona Lisa Select Site Award

Reach for the Stars Award

Pointless Communications Bottom 95% of All Web Sites Award

Art Space 2000 World Web Award of Excellence (2005-2006)

Omniana Internet Friendship Award

Not Boring Site Award

Fun Tyme Entertainment Award

StormKeeper Award

It's Wishcraft Award
Game Puppet Excellence Award
Description: The Game Puppet, a games resource center and more, recognizes "family friendly" sites with this award. Sites are evaluated on navigation, content, design, graphics, load time, and links.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "I just came from checking your site and enjoyed my visit very much and I am happy to give you my award. I am sending you my award as it is well deserved and shows a lot of hard work."
Awarded: 2 February 2008 as an upgrade from Game Puppet Award of Excellence [Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
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Antique Collector Best Site Award (2008)
Description: Philip Chave of Antique Collector, an online bookstore of "antique and specialist books by UK and world authors," awards web sites to recognize webmasters for "the effort and time," "flair for design," "eye for detail," and "knowledge" used "to create and maintain [their] site." Sites are evaluated on content, load time, ease of navigation, graphic quality, page layout and design.
Citation: "Congratulations on a really great website! I am more than pleased to offer you the Antique Collector Best Site Award. I love the way you seem to celebrate your youth in the States. I do wish more English schools would do something like this. ... My very best regards and your continued online success, Phil"
Awarded: 1 February 2008
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Pleasure Gait Farms Award of Excellence
Description: Sherry and Chuck Hartley, horse breeders specializing in Missouri Fox Trotting and Spotted Saddle horses, of Pleasure Gait Farms in Kennett, Missouri offers their award to web sites which are family friendly. Sites are evaluated primarily on family friendly content.
Citation: "Your web site is a winner! We really enjoyed visiting your wonderful site and would be honored if you would accept our award."
Awarded: 1 February 2008
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Mona Lisa Select Site Award
Description: Newton's Castle, an educational web site dedicated primarily to the work of Sir Isaac Newton and also to art in general, presents this award "to honor and distinguish those webmasters who make an extra effort to enhance the web by creating family friendly, content rich web sites that are compatible with most browsers." Sites are evaluated on content, aesthetics, and accessibility.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Congratulations! Your site has been selected and is being showcased for the month of January at Newton's Castle as a result of the informative content, aesthetic design and ease of navigation. The site will also be promoted in our free monthly newsletter! I would like to present you with the Mona Lisa Select Site Award. ... Thanks for making such a terrific contribution to the community. Best wishes, Steve Feld"
Awarded: 1 February 2008
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Reach for the Stars Award
Description: The Reach for the Stars Award Program operated by Animation Gold, an archive site for animated gifs and clipart, "recognizes the hard work, creativity, research of content and hours of work that goes into creating a superior web site that stands out above the rest." Sites are evaluated on design, content, and navigation.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Your site has been reviewed by our panel of judges and we want to congratulate you on winning our award."
Awarded: 29 January 2008
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Pointless Communications Bottom 95% of All Web Sites Award
Description: "Pointless Communications Corp. is a company that arbitrarily rates sites on the World Wide Web according to our own tastes. Fortunately we have undiscriminating tastes, since our corporate mission is to see that every site on the World Wide Web, no matter how poorly constructed and how devoid of worthwhile content, is recognized, and to encourage all authors, regardless of talent, to keep on writing and filling up the bandwidth." Sites "automatically qualify" if they "haven't been selected by that other outfit as being worthy of their designating your site among the top five percent of all web sites."
Citation: "This site has been rated among the bottom 95% of all Web sites by Pointless Communications ®."
Awarded: 1 April 2005
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Art Space 2000 World Web Award of Excellence (2005-2006)
Description: Art Space 2000, an online art gallery, rewards "creativity, integrity and excellence on the web" with this award. Sites are evaluated on originality, design, appearance, navigation, and purpose.
Citation: "Congratulations from all the staff at Art Space 2000.com. You have won the "World Web Award of Excellence" for originality, overall design and appearance, ease of navigation, and content. Keep up the good work. ... You have obviously worked very hard. Investing your time, and skills into making a great web site."

"Each day we receive hundreds of submissions for our web award. Approximately three out of every ten sites win our web award, so you are in a very small group of outstanding web designers. It is always refreshing to visit a site as well done as yours."
Awarded: 17 March 2005
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Omniana Internet Friendship Award
Description: Omniana Graphic Design, located in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, offers awards "to outstanding Web Pages in recognition for the hard work that was put into the development and creation of these web sites."
Citation: "This Friendship award is free to all who have a Family-Friendly Site. We feel everyone should be able to have an award on their site."
Awarded: 14 March 2005
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Not Boring Site Award
Description: The Not Boring Site Award is for webmasters who "have a web page and have spent/spend a good amount of time and effort working on it."
Citation: "The webmaster of [this site] has worked very hard on his/her page and that is the reason he/she has recieved ... [the] Not Boring Site Award. We at notboring.com applaud the excellent work that the webmasters out there are doing and recognize the time and effort that is put into their pages, and have awarded them with the prestigious ... Not Boring Site Award."
Awarded: 12 March 2005
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Fun Tyme Entertainment Award
Description: Fun Tyme Entertainment, a Green Bay, Wisconsin karaoke service, presents awards "to provide recognition of excellence, hard work and creativity" of "those who show outstanding interest in making their web sites the best that they can and making the web a better place for all." Sites are evaluated on design, content, creativity, load time, and navigation.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "The Fun Tyme Entertainment Awards Program salutes your dedication and congratulates you on being a winner of our Merit Award. ... Our awards are not easy to obtain at any level and to win our award is a great achievement. You being a winner shows that you have put the effort needed into your site and have made it an asset to the www."
Awarded: 12 March 2004
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StormKeeper Award
Description: "The StormKeeper Award was established to recognize websites which show excellence in design, originality and effort in construction." Sites are evaluated on originality, design, layout, navigation, and load time.
[Award Sites! Rating: 3.0]
Citation: "Congratulations!!! Your site has been chosen as a winner of The StormKeeper for this month. It was a pleasure to visit your site. You have a great site.
There is only one award, no bronze, silver, gold-- so to receive this award your site must be exceptional."
Awarded: 10 March 2004
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It's Wishcraft Award
Description: The It's Wishcraft Award is presented by Hannah, a Dutch webmistress, "to others to possibly encourage them or just show [her] appreciation for their hard work." Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, and first impression.
[Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
Citation: "I am happy to announce that you've won my Bronze Award. My award is 40% contents and 30% design and in those areas you scored less points. I missed 'to the top' links/buttons, but rest of navigation is very easy, the site loads fast and it is very obvious you put a lot of time in your site. So: you scored 72 points out of a 100 and that means Bronze."
Awarded: 6 March 2004
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case #7
Trophy Case #9
Contact Class Webmaster Matt Wallace at efshs1979@yahoo.com.