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East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 Trophy Case: Award Sites! Rating 3.0 #3
This page was last modified on 7 May 2008.
Please note: Award Sites! is an online organization which sets standards for website award programs so that interested parties can know the relative quality of the award based on strict criteria and rules.

Alice Pandora Award

Kit Award

Pemaweb Award

Lindor Award (2008)

Moon Award

Game Puppet Excellence Award

Mona Lisa Select Site Award

Reach for the Stars Award

Fun Tyme Entertainment Award

StormKeeper Award

Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award
Alice Pandora Award
Description: Alice Pandora, a Brazilian webmistress from São Paulo, "recognizes website builders that have created a nice web site, with beautiful images, well written texts with content and easy navigation." Sites are evaluated on content, functionality, graphics, safety, navigation, and usefulness.
Citation: Thank you for applying to my award program. I have visited your site and enjoyed very much. I am sending you my bronze award. Congratulations for your work."
Awarded: 7 May 2008 as an upgrade from Alice Pandora Award [Unrated Award]
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Kit Award
Description: The Kit Awards Program, operated by Brazilian webmaster Carlos Simões Vieira, "aims to reward the creativity, the effort, the devotion, the beauty, the content and to recognize the arduous work of the Webmaster/Webmistress." Sites are evaluated on content, navigation, and design.
Citation: "It is a great pleasure to announce that your site has been successfully evaluated. The site is dedicated to East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979. It shows the names of the students of the season and maintain updated information on each. Site that requires hard work of the webmaster. Congratulations and keep your job. Receive the Kit Awards - Cum Laude."
Awarded: 29 April 2008
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Pemaweb Award
Description: The Pemaweb Award Program, operated by Peter Bähr of Braunschweig, Germany, offers awards to honor the trouble, diligence, and care of webmasters who provide extraordinary web sites and thus contribute to a genuine enriching of the Internet. Sites are evaluated on content, design, layout, and ease of navigation.
Citation: In German: "Vielen Dank für die Einladung Deine Seiten zu besuchen und bewerten zu dürfen. Der Besuch auf Deinen Seiten war sehr interessant und voller Informationen. Du verdienst hiermit den Pemawebaward in Bronze für die große Arbeit und Widmungen im World Wide Web. Deine Homepage ist empfehlenswert und somit eine schöne Bereicherung im Netz. Ich wünsche viel Freude mit dem Preis und noch recht viele Besucher."

In English: "Many thanks for the invitation to go to your pages and being allowed to judge. The visit at your site was very interesting and full of information. You hereby earn the Pemawebaward in Bronze for the great work and dedication in the World Wide Web. Your home page is recommendable and therefore a beautiful enriching in the net. I wish a lot of joy with the prize and still a lot of visitors."
Awarded: 18 March 2008
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Lindor Award (2008)
Description: The Lindor Award recognizes "excellence in Web Page Design" and "the hard work, time and effort, originality and talent that have been put into a Web Site." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Citation: "Congratulations! You have just won one of Lindor's Awards! The BRONZE one!"
Awarded: 9 March 2008 as an upgrade from Lindor Award (2003) [Unrated Award]
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Moon Award
Description: Jenny Maass, also known as Die Mondfrau (The Moonlady), an Austrian webmistress and retired journalist, recognizes other webmistresses and webmasters with the Moon Award "as an honor for the untiring work [they] might do in designing a website: for its contents and its design. Additionally, it is a stimulus for [them] to develop and learn further, and not to lose [their] enthusiasm." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Citation: "Thank you for your application for the MOON AWARD. After nearly 30 years your web site, East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979, is the best way to see what's about your classmates and friends from 1979, about their life and their career. How lucky they can be to have such a class webmaster! We decided to honour your web site with the MOON AWARD BRONZE and we hope you enjoy it. Congratulations!"
Awarded: 25 February 2008
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Game Puppet Excellence Award
Description: The Game Puppet, a games resource center and more, recognizes "family friendly" sites with this award. Sites are evaluated on navigation, content, design, graphics, load time, and links.
Citation: "I just came from checking your site and enjoyed my visit very much and I am happy to give you my award. I am sending you my award as it is well deserved and shows a lot of hard work."
Awarded: 2 February 2008 as an upgrade from Game Puppet Award of Excellence [Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
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Mona Lisa Select Site Award
Description: Newton's Castle, an educational web site dedicated primarily to the work of Sir Isaac Newton and also to art in general, presents this award "to honor and distinguish those webmasters who make an extra effort to enhance the web by creating family friendly, content rich web sites that are compatible with most browsers." Sites are evaluated on content, aesthetics, and accessibility.
Citation: "Congratulations! Your site has been selected and is being showcased for the month of January at Newton's Castle as a result of the informative content, aesthetic design and ease of navigation. The site will also be promoted in our free monthly newsletter! I would like to present you with the Mona Lisa Select Site Award. ... Thanks for making such a terrific contribution to the community. Best wishes, Steve Feld"
Awarded: 1 February 2008
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Reach for the Stars Award
Description: The Reach for the Stars Award Program operated by Animation Gold, an archive site for animated gifs and clipart, "recognizes the hard work, creativity, research of content and hours of work that goes into creating a superior web site that stands out above the rest." Sites are evaluated on design, content, and navigation.
Citation: "Your site has been reviewed by our panel of judges and we want to congratulate you on winning our award."
Awarded: 29 January 2008
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Fun Tyme Entertainment Award
Description: Fun Tyme Entertainment, a Green Bay, Wisconsin karaoke service, presents awards "to provide recognition of excellence, hard work and creativity" of "those who show outstanding interest in making their web sites the best that they can and making the web a better place for all." Sites are evaluated on design, content, creativity, load time, and navigation.
Citation: "The Fun Tyme Entertainment Awards Program salutes your dedication and congratulates you on being a winner of our Merit Award. ... Our awards are not easy to obtain at any level and to win our award is a great achievement. You being a winner shows that you have put the effort needed into your site and have made it an asset to the www."
Awarded: 12 March 2004
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StormKeeper Award
Description: "The StormKeeper Award was established to recognize websites which show excellence in design, originality and effort in construction." Sites are evaluated on originality, design, layout, navigation, and load time.
Citation: "Congratulations!!! Your site has been chosen as a winner of The StormKeeper for this month. It was a pleasure to visit your site. You have a great site.
There is only one award, no bronze, silver, gold-- so to receive this award your site must be exceptional."
Awarded: 10 March 2004
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Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award
Description: Penmarric Cornish Rex, the site of Cornish Rex cat breeder Lin Smith, rewards webmasters for the "dedication, time, and a lot of hard work" required for their "contribution[s] to make the web a safer, better place to surf." Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, and creativity.
Citation: "ConCATulations! Our judges have all visited your site, and once again have found it interesting and informative. We are very pleased to award you our gold award. ... Websites of this kind can often be quite boring for anyone not in the know, but I found lots of interest in it, which is why we are happy to recognize all your hard work. Well done."
Awarded: 1 March 2004 as an upgrade from Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award [Award Sites! Rating: 2.5]
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case: Award Sites! Rating 3.0 #2
Trophy Case: Award Sites! Rating 3.5
Contact Class Webmaster Matt Wallace at efshs1979@yahoo.com.